One Point Lesson is a tool to convey information. Designed to enhance knowledge and skills in a short time, at the right time, whenever needed. To upgrade levels of expertise by having individuals study, learn and then train others in the knowledge or skill.
One Point Lesson – Portrait Template
To download and use the One Point Lesson template in portrait mode with training records at the back, please follow this link.
All fields are self-explanatory, please let us know if you need any guidance to use them. The free template is in .pdf format, if you need to get an editable spreadsheet, please visit this link.

One Point Lesson – Landscape Template
Same as above, only in landscape mode to download follow this link

One Point Lessons can replace “Workplace Alert” – a document that supposes to deliver momentary change on the production floor (Gemba) that is related to the change in safety, production, packaging, or processing. OPL can then be posted right on the spot of the change, and staff can review it with the trainer and sign it.
To help you understand how to create OPLs, please visit our One Point Lesson Directory, where you will find several examples of OPLs. If you require help, either leave a comment below or contact us with a brief description of your theme and objective.
I need some help developing single point lesson for our food processing plant, please contact me.
Thanks for your interest, please check your email
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इस पाठ के लिए आपका ह्रदय से धन्यवाद.
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I am looking for the same thing. Let me know what you find out.
Hi John! Thanks for your interest in our website. Not sure what you are looking for, please contact us if you need any help with implementing TPM or Continuous Improvement program at your manufacturing facility. While travelling in US, I’ve tried yours “Bush’s Showboat Pork & Beans” – very tasty!
Is OPL applicable to Sales & Marketing, please provide sample.
Thanks for your question. In order to understand your needs, please provide a sample of what you want to deliver. We would be happy to create OPL for you.
I need some help developing OPL for our beverage processing plant, please contact me.
Please check your email.
I want OPL for preventive Maintenance of equipments in pharmaceutical industry. Thanks in advance
Thanks for your interest in our products. You can download template here. If you need training on how to create OPL, please contact us.