Why are we interested in Team Working?
Restructuring the Workplace
- Fewer levels of hierarchy
- More demands
- Less time
- No room for empty jobs
- No room for empty bosses
- Greater need for skilled workforce
- True productivity
True Productivity Means…
- More Teamwork
- More brains
- Less stupidity

TPM provides : “WHAT TO DO”
Team Working provides: ”THE WAY TO DO IT”
World Class Manufacturing
- World Class manufacturing changes the traditional view that labor is the problem and equipment is the solution;
- The new focus is that equipment is the problem and labor is the solution.
Manufacturing Advantage – Plant
- Innovation is generally restricted to process and shaping;
- Innovation is generally restricted to single products;
- Some competitive advantage on discrete products;
- Most equipment is obtained from suppliers;
- Our competitors use the same suppliers;
- Therefore there is no real competitive advantage from the equipment.
Plant only provides the potential for Competitive Advantage
Manufacturing Advantage – People
- Commonly supplied equipment can give uncommon performance when improved and used effectively;
- Competitive Advantage by improving and using equipment more imaginatively & effectively than competitors;
- Improvement of equipment can start in the design and commissioning stages;
- Therefore commissioning time can be reduced;
- Improvement and more effective use of equipment after commissioning can enhance Competitive Advantage.
People realize the potential of equipment for Competitive Advantage over all products.
Plant + People Gives Competitive Advantage
Team Work…
Small group of people who cooperate together in such a way that they accomplish more than the sum of the individuals
SYNERGY 1 + 1 = 3

A group of up to 10 people who rely on each other to reach a common purpose.
Team Development
Effective Working Teams
- Informal – lack of tension
- Commitment & determination to the goals of the team
- Discussion where all participate
- People listen
- Decision making based on facts and data
- Comfortable when disagreeing – attack issues not people
- Acceptance of differences in opinion
- Ability to resolve conflict
- Strong constructive feedback – that is accepted
- People feel free to express themselves
- A supportive atmosphere
- Belief in one another
- High motivation to communicate and work together.
Key Team Working Values
- Anything can and should be improved
- Teamwork works
- There is value in difference
- Problems are golden nuggets
- Each team member makes a difference
- The person doing the job knows it best
- The improvement process is never finished
- Involvement builds commitment
- Support builds success.
Stages in Team Development

Balance Between People & Task

Moving to High Performance

- Group of individuals
- Little or no identity
- What is this all about?
- Why me?
- Can I cope?
- Who are the other people I am now working with?
- Conflicts identified
- Unclear objectives
- Unclear priorities
- Formation of sub-groups
- Difficulty in resolving problems
- Disagreement over resources Switching off
- Trying things out
- Improvement in commitment
- Developing trust
- Formulating framework
- Key issues
- Roles and responsibilities
- Differences recognised and accepted
From Storming to Norming

- Differences highly valued
- Very effective communication
- Team is envied by outsiders
- Continuous learning evident
- Individuals cover for each other
Norming to Performing
What Leadership Styles?

Leader styles to aid Team Member Development

What Good Leaders Do
- Select, shape and bond the team
- Take symbolic action
- Break bottlenecks and barriers to change
- Establish tough yet achievable goals
- Empower people
- Establish clear, energising and shared vision
Characteristics of Good Leaders
- Integrity, trust, respect and loyalty
- Power to inspire commitment
- Direct in a democratic and fair way
- Build and acknowledge successful individuals and teams
- Create and manage change
- Manage complexity and ambiguity
- Clarify and communicate well
- Use power wisely
- Action orientated
Requirements for Success

The Right Combination for Change…

Key learning points
- Team working is not rocket science
- TPM is about PEOPLE
- There is a lot of information available on this subject & a great deal of consultancy and training agencies who can provide help in this area.
BUT !!!
- Don’t underestimate how hard it is to successfully implement & sustain Team Based Improvement
- Don’t forget…….Leaders provide Leadership
- Don’t assume you can just get a consultant in to “set up team working and facilitate high performance teams”.