Lean Manufacturing Process Excellence

How to prioritize breakdowns for root cause analysis

Choose breakdowns for investigation: Following these steps, you can effectively choose breakdowns for investigation and prioritize your root cause analysis efforts to achieve the greatest impact. It’s important to note that these are just general guidelines, and the specific priorities will depend on your organization’s unique needs and circumstances. Root cause analysis is a systematic process that requires careful investigation and analysis to identify the underlying causes of breakdowns.

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Process Excellence

Control Charts: A Vital Tool for Quality Control in Manufacturing

Control charts, also known as process behavior charts, are a powerful tool for monitoring and controlling the quality of a process in manufacturing and other industries. With the ability to visually represent a process’s stability and detect changes or patterns that fall outside of the normal operating range, control charts provide valuable insights into the root cause of problems. By analyzing the data, organizations can make data-driven decisions to improve the process, reducing the risk of defects and improving overall quality. In short, control charts are a must-have tool for any organization looking to improve the quality of their products and processes.

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Process Excellence

Sigma level and DPMO

The true defective ppm (not DPMO) for the six sigma level is 0.002, not 3.4 DPMO. In Six Sigma, it is a common practice to consider that 3.4 DPMO corresponds to a six sigma level, which is a misconception because it assumes a 1.5 sigma shift, which in turn, a mature manufacturing industry process would never accept. In other words, the 3.4 DPMO corresponds to a 4.5 sigma level considering only one side of the specification.The…

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Process Excellence

SMED – Streamlining Your Production Process

Introduction: Companies are constantly looking for ways to increase efficiency and reduce downtime in today’s fast-paced business world. SMED, or Single-Minute Exchange of Dies, is a methodology for reducing the time it takes to change from producing one product to another. This technique has been proven to improve production efficiency and increase overall profitability for manufacturers. What is SMED? SMED is a technique for reducing the time it takes to change from producing one product…

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Process Excellence

Planned Maintenance Indicators: A Guide to Improved Equipment Reliability

Effective maintenance is critical to the success of any manufacturing operation. It helps to keep equipment running smoothly, reduces downtime, and improves overall productivity. One of the key components of effective maintenance is planned maintenance, which involves scheduling regular maintenance activities in advance to prevent equipment failures and minimize downtime. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of planned maintenance indicators and how they can help to improve equipment reliability. What are Planned…

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Process Excellence

Mistake proofing

Mistake proofing, also known as Poka-Yoke, is a quality control technique used in manufacturing to prevent errors and minimize defects. The goal of mistake-proofing is to make it impossible for operators to make mistakes, reducing the need for rework, inspection, and scrap. Poka-Yoke is a Japanese term that means “mistake-proofing” or “error-proofing.” It is a simple but effective way to eliminate mistakes by making them impossible for them to occur in the first place. The…

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Process Excellence

Six Sigma Methodologies

Six Sigma is a data-driven methodology that improves the quality of processes, products, and services by reducing defects and increasing efficiency. The approach aims to achieve a process capability of 3.4 defects per million opportunities or fewer. The methodology consists of five phases: Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control (DMAIC). Six Sigma also has a design-focused approach called Design for Six Sigma (DFSS). This methodology is used to develop new processes, products, or services. The…

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Process Excellence

Total Productive Maintenance

Introduction Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) is a maintenance strategy involving all employees in maintaining and improving equipment performance. It was first developed by the Japanese manufacturing company Nippondenso in the 1970s and has since been adopted by many organizations worldwide. The goal of TPM is to optimize equipment performance by involving all employees in the maintenance process and continuously improving the equipment’s efficiency and effectiveness. Background TPM is based on the idea that equipment is…

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